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Rhino 8 Educational / Rhino 8 Educacional:

Proof of status required / Se requiere Certificación Académica
Upload the proof in the product page / Sube la prueba en la página del producto

Rhino license keys work for both Mac and Windows. They do not expire. There are no subscription, maintenance, or support fees.
All orders are shipped electronically, you will receive a separate email with your license information, no physical product will be shipped.

Las licencias de Rhino funcionan tanto para Mac como para WindowsNo expiranNo hay tarifas de suscripción, mantenimiento o soporte.
Todos los pedidos se envían electrónicamente, usted recibirá un correo electrónico con la información de su licencia, no habrá un envío físico.


Rhino 8 Educational

Rhino 8 Edu + Online Training Included.
Educational Proof Required.

Rhino 8 Educational Upgrade

Upgrade your existing license to v8 + Online Training Included. Educational Proof Required.

When you purchase an educational license or upgrade...

You will get access to the Rhino Student Suite, which consists of these online courses for FREE!

You will receive a separate email with your personal coupon code in order to access
the online courses for free, within 24 hours after your purchase.

Visit Rhino3D.Education for additional information. 
Questions? Contact Lucia Miguel at